Dear SJP Families
We hope that you enjoyed the baseball season we had.
It is now time to start looking forward to the off-season and next season. First up, will be the SJP Annual General Meeting which will be:
Thursday, November 14,2024
Lois Hole Library
The AGM is your opportunity to come out and learn more about how your association works, what happened over the last year, as well as ask questions and provide your feedback.
By volunteering to join the Board, as an Executive or Member-at-Large, you will ensure the organization will continue to offer a great Baseball program and good value for families.
If you have a young player that is part of SJP and are interested in helping in any part of running our organization, we urge you to step forward and volunteer.
The positions open are listed below and we have job descriptions available. We are looking for people from both the House and the Rep Programs to help guide SJP over the next couple of years. If you are interested in learning more, please contact us or attend the AGM on November 14th.
Executive Positions open for election for the 2024 season:
VP House,
Non-voting positions that are currently open:
House League Category Directors
Rookie League Category Directors
And more.
All non-voting volunteer positions receive an honorarium
Please let us know if you would like more information, as well we hope to see you at the November 14 AGM.