Information for Casino Volunteers

Your casino will be managed by a volunteer general manager(s) from your organization. As a volunteer, you will be glad to know that:

  • Training and support will be provided by and experienced, licensed casino advisor in both the cage and the count room who will train

    you, support your work, and make the experience one that you will want to repeat.

  • You will be greeted upon arrival, registered and given a name tag to wear at all times.

  • Bring photo I.D. with you to the casino

  • Volunteering at the casino is easy and fun. You will get time for breaks and meals.

  • Volunteering at the casino is as safe as possible. You can be walked to your car if you wish.

  • Volunteers ARE NOT ALLOWED TO PLAY any casino game, VLT, or slot machine on either day, whether or not they are

    working a shift.

  • “Volunteers cannot be under the influence of alcohol, or consume liquor, or use illicit substance before or during their shift” (AGLC CTCOG 2.6.4 [d])

  • Volunteer dress in our upscale casinos is casual business dress. Please, no shorts, jeans, t-shirts, leggings, athletic wear, or revealing clothing.

  • Your shift at the casino is important. Please call if you cannot work or are going to be late.

  • The casino control system is computerized. If you use an ATM banking machine or Interac, you will feel comfortable with the system and the equipment.

Volunteer Positions:


  • You control the main Cash Cage floats of chips and cash.

  • You are assisted directly by Cash Cage Advisor for all activities.

  • You are busiest during opening, volunteer shift changes, and closing of casino.

  • Your top priority is to assist cashiers by monitoring their pay outs.

  • You refill (“Fill”) dealers’ chip trays when players leave game with chips to cash in, or to reduce the chips in dealer’s tray (“Credit”).

  • You use a computer terminal for all transactions.

  • Some administrative experience is helpful, but not essential


  • You pay off players’ chips and make change (you do not sell chips or cash out loose coin).

  • You will be required to follow defined pay out procedures that you will learn at the casino.

  • You have your own float — you do not share your cash/chip float with anybody.

  • Cash-handling skills and being a little street-wise would be an asset.

  • The cashier’s job is quite challenging and requires concentration and accuracy.

  • You should not volunteer to be a cashier if you are colour-blind.


  • You are a courier (runner) for chip orders from the casino games.

  • You must be able to move around to deliver chips to the games.

  • You will be using a touch screen computer to complete your transactions.

  • You are not usually too busy except at the opening and closing of the casino day.

  • You should be able to carry up to 2.5kg or 5lbs. Or chips in their delivery racks.

  • You will always be accompanied on your ‘runs’ to the games by a casino security guard or a manager.


  • You work with the Count Room Advisor to keep records of the cash and chips in the count room.

  • You use a computer terminal for all transactions.

  • Some administrative skills are useful, and computer skills are very helpful.

  • You are not required to handle cash.


  • You sort, count, verify and amalgamate cash from drop boxes.

  • At least three volunteers in the count room should have good cash handling skills.

  • You should be good working with your hands.

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