The scheduled time starts at 6:30pm, running for about 1 hour.
Very casual game using foam bat and foam ball, with the focus of children being exposed to the sport of baseball and meeting other children.
Teams will spend the first 30 minutes having individual practice time in smaller groups with coaches and parent helpers. There should be some warm up time and then some simple functional drills.
The diamond is set up with only first base, set at approximately 30-40'. The game consists of one team hitting off of the tee and then that player runs to first base. The fielding team will be in the outfield and they will attempt to catch or retrieve the hit ball. A suggestion is to have 2 or 3 different lines of outfielders taking turns rather than all players at once. For example have 3 lines of players but only the player in the front of each line attempts to retrieve the hit ball. Once these 3 players have “fielded” they go to the back of the line.
Coaches are encouraged to modify the game to suit the kids. The important thing is to have lots of fun and engagement.